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Consulting Connoisseurs, 2014
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Process Manufacturing

A sector that is largely affected by technological choices and the degree of automation, the process manufacturing sector often has a challenge to work around the nuances of local conditions.

With globalization, the companies are facing challenges due to cost competitiveness, which is a major issue for most players, and the primary differentiator stems from the reliability, the quality and the costs of the products and supplies.

Current Thinking

A Case of Sales Optimization Strategy for a Pharma SME

The Consulting Connoisseurs Framework

Understanding the Communication Leverage

Using our specialized knowhow and our framework given above, we evaluated the sales interface to understand the leverage a company had in its sales process. Any sales process is based on the dynamics of relationships and they are, therefore, subject to potential areas where they are vulnerable.

Using our in-house tools we identified the areas where there is a potential leverage: in other words, a possibility to establish better terms for the business with a specific customer / client agency. Such an exercise helps one optimize the sales process and ensure the maintenance of a good bargaining power with a particular client.

As you can see in the figures, where the blue line scores higher than the red line, the client can use that factor to leverage his sales and improve his profitability while dealing with his customer. On the other hand, if the blue line scores lower than the red line, the client gets 'squeezed' by his customer.

Based on this evaluation, we provided them with a sales strategy that could directly be applied to their sales processes and improve the profitability.

This engagement included a high-level modeling and simulation application.

The Petroleum Industry Today

Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical Industries in India continue to face operational efficiency challenges through technology: Lever to Optimising process system control strategies! These include the following:

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